Joban Wiki JCM:Fare Saver

JCM:Fare Saver

From Joban Wiki
Revision as of 17:38, 7 October 2022 by Admin (talk | contribs)
Fare Saver
JCM fare saver 1.png
General Information
Block ID jsblock:faresaver_1
Item Group JCM Blocks
Transparent No
Light Level 15
Other Information
Added in v1.1.4
Created by LX86

A Fare Saver is a functional block in Joban Client Mod. This replicates the older variants of MTR Fare Saver in real life.



  1. Right click with brush
  2. Follow the GUI Instructions


  1. Right click the machine
  2. The amount shown on the machine will be rebate next time you exit a station (Evading does NOT count).

For how fare saver works when exiting, please refer to Mixins


facing third
north lower
east middle
south upper

Crafting Recipe

Minecraft Redstone.png
Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Minecraft Redstone lamp.png
Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Minecraft emerald.png
Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Crafting Table Arrow.png

Block Entity

This block has a block entity, the data is as follows:


Name Type Description Default Value
discount integer The discount to apply (in MTR balance) 2


Version Changes Made
v1.1.4 Added Fare Saver
v1.1.5 Improvement to Fare Saver Model