Joban Wiki JCM:Departure Timer

JCM:Departure Timer

From Joban Wiki
Revision as of 20:41, 20 October 2023 by LX86 (talk | contribs) (Remove Technical Information)
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Departure Timer
JCM departure timer.png
General Information
Block ID jsblock:departure_timer
Item Group JCM Blocks
Transparent No
Light Level 0
Other Information
Added in v1.0.0
Created by LX86

A Departure Timer is a functional block in Joban Client Mod.

Seen in the MTR East Rail Line, this block display the remaining time until the train departs.



Crafting Recipe

Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Minecraft Redstone.png
Minecraft Clock.png
Minecraft Redstone.png
Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Minecraft Iron ingot.png
Crafting Table Arrow.png
JCM Item Departure timer.png

Block Entity

This block has a block entity, and stores the following data:

Name Type Description Default Value
font String The font ID used for rendering the station name text. jsblock:deptimer


Version Changes Made
v1.0.0 Added Departure Timer
v1.1.5 Departure Timer now extends Font Base, font can now be customized by manually changing the block entity data