Joban Wiki Rail Node Hell

Rail Node Hell

From Joban Wiki
Revision as of 03:19, 20 June 2022 by LX86 (talk | contribs) (Minor fix)


The topic of this article has not been fully confirmed by the respecting owner.

Rail Node Hell usually refers the usage of an excessive amount of Rail Node.

The most notable example of Rail Node Hell is the Depot Loop in Kansai APM Maintenance Centre.


Root Cause

On June 2016, KCR has introduced a new Fixed Block Signaling system to improve safety of the ride.

However due to the relatively short distances each train are required to achieve optimal train frequency, this causes extreme long waiting and journey time.

Despite this, KCR stated that this is the tradeoff of Safety.

On July 2016, one week after the operation of the new signaling system, Kansai APM has experienced a large jamming issues, where every train is interlocked with each other, jamming the entirety of the Kansai APM Network.

It was later discovered that the problem is caused by the Depot Loop inside Kansai APM, where almost all route has to go through in order to Enter/Exit the Kansai APM Maintenance Center.

As an attempt to resolve the issue, frequency of trains were further lowered, but this happens again after 2 weeks.

The solution

On September 2016, the issue was further investigated with Rigel Corp, and they came up with a solution by placing nodes every few blocks or so within the loop.

A large amount of rail node installed to the loop of Kansai APM Maintenance Center

Despite the solution being very laughable and ridiculous, this effectively resolves any major interlocks on the network.