The District of Joban JCM:KCR Station Name Sign

JCM:KCR Station Name Sign

From The District of Joban
Revision as of 20:37, 20 August 2022 by LX86 (talk | contribs)
KCR Station Name Sign
JCM kcr name sign.png
General Information
Block ID jsblock:kcr_name_sign
Item Group JCM Blocks
Transparent No
Light Level 10
Other Information
Added in v1.0.4
Created by LX86

A KCR Station Name Sign is a decoration block in Joban Client Mod.

Seen in KCR East Rail Station before the merger of the two companies.


facing exit_on_left
north false
east true

Block Entity

This block has a block entity, and stores the following data:

Name Type Description Default Value
font String The font ID used for rendering the station name text. jsblock:kcr_sign


This block model is bigger than Minecraft's limit (1 x 1.5 x 1 block), the hitbox has been forcibly increased and player may have difficulty selecting the block.

This bug will remain due to legacy reasons.


Version Changes Made
v1.0.4 Added KCR Station Name Sign
v1.0.6 Raised the block model
v1.1.5 The "font" property is added to the block entity