From Joban Wiki
Hotfix available
A hotfix is available for this version, which usually fixes critical bug that may result in the game crashing/causing data losses.
If you're looking to download this version, we strongly recommend downloading the hotfix version instead.
Compatible MTR Version
MTR 3.1.0-unofficial-3 -> Latest
- Updated to support Minecraft 1.19.2
- Version check has been added for JCM
- MTR Stairs Block
- KCR Station Name Sign (Station Colored)
- PIDS Custom Preset (All RV PIDS & LCD PIDS): - Configurable when right clicked with brush - Default Preset:
- Allow configuration for Background, Fonts, Fonts Color, Clock & Weather Visibility (RV PIDS Only) - Example Pack below - New PIDS Variable:
- Reports current world weather in chinese{worldPlayer}
- Current amount of player on the current world - Subsidy Machine can now be configured Right click with brush to configure the amount it discounts & timeout
- Fare Saver Right click with brush to configure the amount it discounts
- The config menu has been redesigned Now has a panorama background, along with the ability to view logs.
- Forge users can now configure JCM in the mod menu.
- Some proprietary fonts has been replaced with other open fonts.
- All client-side fonts options has been removed to allow more flexibility.
- Textures has been optimized to improve memory performance.
- Some textures has been updated to give a better look.
- Newly placed JCM Poles will now extend if there's a slab on top.
- Weather icon on the RV PIDS has been slightly altered to reflect the real life look.
- Invisible Light Block is no longer a block entity. This should result in a very minor improvements for servers.
- Hitbox on certain block is made larger for easier placing.
- The
variable on the RV/LCD PIDS now shows the correct time. - On the LCD PIDS, the character "綫" can now be rendered normally
- The optimized textures now allows Minecraft to have a higher Mipmap level than 1 If you feel the textures are very blurry after this update, please go to Video Settings and turn the Mipmap Level down to 1 or OFF.
- This is a relatively major update While we have tested this on our servers before releasing, we can't guarantee any data loss with other players.