From Joban Wiki
Revision as of 22:54, 30 October 2022 by LX86 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "=== Joban Client Mod 1.1.6 has been released === ==== Compatible MTR Version ==== MTR 3.1.5 -> Latest ==== Addition ==== * Crafting Recipe, some of the recipe is listed on the [wiki](<nowiki>https://www.joban.tk/wiki/JCM:Blocks</nowiki>) * Missing loot table for recently added blocks. * Disneyland Resorts Line APG ==== Changes ==== * All blocks now requires you to mine with a pickaxe for blocks to drop. * Thales Ticket Barrier (Bare) can now be autom...")
Joban Client Mod 1.1.6 has been released
Compatible MTR Version
MTR 3.1.5 -> Latest
- Crafting Recipe, some of the recipe is listed on the [wiki](https://www.joban.tk/wiki/JCM:Blocks)
- Missing loot table for recently added blocks.
- Disneyland Resorts Line APG
- All blocks now requires you to mine with a pickaxe for blocks to drop.
- Thales Ticket Barrier (Bare) can now be automatically attached to an MTR fence, simply place an MTR fence next to it and it will merge.
- Thales Ticket Barrier (Bare) no longer emits any light
- Butterfly Light (Time until it starts blinking) can now be configured
- The arrow in the KCR Emergency Stop Sign can now be toggled with brush.
- Operator Only Button now emits less light.
- Light Source Block will be replaced with another block when right clicked.
- Fabric and Forge jar is now merged into one.
- Rare crash when placing down RV PIDS
- Incompatibilities with Debugify
- Platform number not showing on MTR 3.1.5