Joban Wiki Join Minecraft Server

Join Minecraft Server

From Joban Wiki
Revision as of 18:55, 24 July 2023 by LX86 (talk | contribs)

Thank you for your interest in The District of Joban, here are the informations you need to know to join our server!


  • Read the Minecraft Server Rules. By joining the server you agree that you will obey the rules, otherwise punishment may be given.
  • You need to have a genuine paid Minecraft Java account in order to join our server, Bedrock or other edition are not supported.
  • Your computer should be capable of installing and running Minecraft 1.19.2 with Fabric.
  • If you are having trouble joining our servers and are not able to diagnose the problem, you can join our Discord Server and kindly ask for help.
  • If you are under 13, do not join the Discord Server as we are obligated to follow Discord's Terms of Service, which requires you to be 13 or older to use Discord. If found, we may issue a ban on those users.

Using the modpack / Joining our server


To make it easier for players to join our server, we have setup a modpack supporting MultiMC, Prism Launcher and ATLauncher.

This modpack contains all the latest and required mod to join our server, and it will also automatically fill our server in the Multiplayer screen for you to start playing.

If you are using MultiMC, Prism Launcher or ATLauncher, you may install the modpack following the instruction here.

For other launcher, you may check out Joban Modpack (Legacy), or perform a manual installation as below.

Manual Installation

You may skip this section and head straight to the Multiplayer Screen if you have installed the Modpack above.

We are a Fabric Minecraft Server running the following mod that requires both Client and Server to be installed:

To join the server, you may enter any of the server addresses below:


Some addresses works better than others, you may try other addresses if the one you chose is sub-optimal.