The District of Joban Tai Hing

Tai Hing

From The District of Joban
Tai Hing

Tai Hing area
Number of lines Mihara Line

Seiyo Shinkansen

Seiyo Main Line

Tai Hing is the area of Tai Hing Island that is directly administrated under provincial-level administrative laws, as it is not part of Hakone Town or Mishato City. It is part of the Lamtsu Capital City, but is not a ward, only a Town. The region is located in the south of Tai Hing Island, with the are being less than 2 square kilometres. The area came to be like this during the Fuka-Sorano wars, where Hakone Town became the high-water mark of the Fuka Shogunate.


Tai Hing is located of the southern tip of Tai Hing Island, in the Tai Hing plains. It is bordered by the Hakone Mountains to the north and north-esat, the Tai Hing Plateau to the east, and the Tai Hing Forest to the north-west. The Tai Hing strait lies at the southern and western parts of Tai Hing.

Surrounding Area


Mishato City


According to historical data, the population of Tai Hing peaked in 1967, followed by a huge decrease due to emigration. The statistics include the whole Tai Hing Island, but exclude the Mishato City. The decline has been slowed due to the development of new transport links to the mainland.

Lamtsu Census data
Year Population Change
1682 512 +404
1751 713 +201
1812 1007 +294
1940 1672 +665
1950 1877 +205
1960 2087 +210
1970 1376 -711
1980 879 -497
1990 856 -23
2000 762 -94
2010 598 -164
2020 576 -22


The Tai Hing island has been settled since prehistoric times, and archeological evidence shows that the island had a population density in the 9th century even higher than of modern-day, with an estimated population of 10,000 on the island alone. This was likely due to the area's significant religious value in Mishato.

The Tai Hing area was the "no-man's land" between the 12th and 16th centuries, with the Fuka Shogunate's border ending at Hakone and Sorano's at the coast of Mibu. Afterwards, with Hakone becoming a significant industrial town, the Tai Hing port was opened to carry the goods to Lamtsu. However, due to the modernisation programs introduced in the 1970s and the following mass emigrations from Hakone, the port's raison d'etre was removed, and it closed down in 1976.

Today, the Tai Hing area is mostly residential, and is now the "Rich Man's Island" to some.


The Tai Hing area has 3 rail terminals, all linked together by the Tai Hing Tram.

Station Code Lines
Tai Hing Forest THF Mihara Line

Hakone Line

Tai Hing TH Seiyo Shinkansen
Lighthouse Front LF Seiyo Main Line